
3080 - Classification and Appointment of University Positions


  • 位置: 人力资源总监
  • 电子邮件: hr@ktum.net

最后更新: 2022年7月1日


A. Positions Classified on the Basis of Duration
B. 员工分类
C. Appointing Authority and Legal Compliance
D. 聘任条款
E. 委任文书


A-1. 永久职位. A permanent position is one that is established with the intention that it will continue indefinitely. Once established, it continues to exist, whether filled or vacant, until abolished. 总之, a position is designated as "permanent" solely on the basis of intent as to its duration, 不管职责是什么, 任命, 资金来源, 或者其他考虑.

a. A permanent position may be a faculty (teaching, 研究, 扩展, or service) position or a staff (exempt or classified) position.

b. 永久职位可以是兼职(50%或以上)或全职,也可以是临时任命, 试用, 固定期限, 继续, or at the pleasure of the president or the regents. It is the position, not 任命, that is permanent.

c. A permanent position may be supported by appropriated or nonappropriated funds.

A-2. Authorization of 永久职位. 任何永久性的新职位, 无论资金来源如何, requires Board approval prior to any form or manner of recruitment of applicants. (以序列二世.B.3)

A-3. 临时职位. A temporary position is one that is established for a definite period: typically, the duration corresponds to the period of a grant, 合同, 或工作或项目的持续时间. Temporary hourly positions are governed by FSH 3090.

A-4. Authorization of 临时职位. Temporary positions may be established by the president or designee. There can be no commitment to continue a temporary position beyond the length of time specified when it is established; in particular, 不能承诺在拨款资金上继续维持最初以非拨款资金建立的地位.

B. 员工分类. 每个UI员工, belongs to one of two categories--classified or exempt--that are defined as follows:

B-1. 机密的员工.365滚球官网的机密雇员必须遵守365滚球官网针对其机密雇员的政策和程序. Such policies and procedures require approval by the Board, 应该是, 在这么多的实际, parallel to the provisions provided for state of Idaho classified employees in Chapter 53, 标题67, 爱达荷州代码." (以序列二世.D.1)

B-2. 免除员工. Exempt means any person appointed to or holding a position at an institution, 机构, 或由校董会指定为非分类学校,因而不受第53章的条文规管, 标题67, 董事会将某一职位或雇员指定为非机密职位,即构成根据爱达荷州法律将该职位或雇员指定为官员所需的任何指定. (以序列二世.D.2,参见 3460 A-3.) 教师 employees comprise a large and unique subset of the Board's exempt employees. Thus, faculty employees are addressed specifically throughout these policies and procedures. (以序列二世.D.2.)

C. APPOINTING AUTHORITY AND LEGAL COMPLIANCE. 在所有的约会中, compliance with UI’s affirmative action and equal employment opportunity policy (see FSH 3065) and with the requirements of all applicable immigration and naturalization laws (see FSH 3070)是必需的. These procedures must be followed to ensure legal compliance.

C-1. 校董会政策规定:“校董会根据校董会通过的人事政策和程序,将人事管理的所有权力授权给执行董事(州教育委员会)和首席执行官,而不是专门保留给执行董事. 在履行这一职责时, the executive director and chief executive officers, 或者他们的设计师, may exercise their authority consistent with these policies and procedures provided, 然而, 委员会保留对这些政策和程序中任何地方确定的任何事项采取最后行动的权力." 以序列二世.B.2. 

C-2. 董事会特别保留对所有员工进行初始任命的权力,其工资等于或高于总裁年薪的75% (以序列二世).B.3.). 除了 the Regents specifically retain the authority to approve, 超过一年, the employment agreement of any head coach or athletic director and all amendments thereto. 以序列二世.B.3.c.

D. 聘任条款.

D-1. 机密的员工. UI classified employees are appointed subject to the policies of the University and the Regents. (以序列二世.D.1.) Initial appointment procedures are included in FSH 3065.

D-2. 免除员工. All salaried employees of UI, except faculty members with tenure, and the category described in D-2.b below, have fixed terms of employment. 未经董事会事先批准,固定聘用合同不得超过一年. Employment beyond the 合同 period cannot legally be presumed. 再次任命额外的定期合同由校长酌情决定,并在适用的情况下由董事会决定. (以序列二世.F.1.)续聘或非续聘这些雇员的政策和程序已列入FSH 3900.

a. 一类豁免雇员, referred to as "temporary or special project non-classified employees,得到了董事会的认可. (以序列二世.D.2.这一类包括(1)被任命担任临时职位或特殊项目职位的雇员(见上文A-3)。, 并且一般符合特定职位要求(a)补助金或特定期限合同, or (b) part-time teaching or other responsibilities, (二)因紧急情况或者临时情况被聘为履行继续任职职责的职工. (以序列二世.D.2.) These employees have no expectation of 继续 employment beyond an existing 合同 period, and their service in no way qualifies them for consideration for tenure in that position. 在任何情况下,这些雇员在法律上都无权提前得到通知,也无权就不签订另一段时间的另一份雇佣合同的决定提出理由,而且该决定不得以任何方式申诉或上诉.

b. 大学校长的职务由校董会决定,并可在任何时候被解雇,无论是否有理由或书面通知. (参见FSH 1420 A-1.)

E. 委任文书.

E-1. 机密的员工. 每个分类雇员在任命时都会收到来自部门的一封信,其中定义了他们的任命并指定了雇佣条款(offer letter)。. Approved offer letter templates are available on the HR webpage.

E-2. 免除员工. 每个受薪豁免雇员根据包括(1)具体年薪的委任书(offer letter)服务, (2) anticipated date of entry on duty, and (3) any special conditions of employment applying to the position.  Approved offer letter templates are available on the HR webpage. 员工通过签名并将副本返回给发起任命的管理员来确认收到并接受信件的条款. 员工未能或拒绝在规定的时间内签署并返回信件的副本,除非双方同意延长时间,否则视为拒绝录用. If the employee does not sign and return the initial offer within the specified time UI may, 由其自行决定, extend another offer to the employee. 员工对要约的任何变更,视为还价,需要总裁或者总裁指定人作出肯定的接受行为. 

E-3. 教员. Offers of academic employment are made by academic colleges. 每一位教员的聘用都经过院长的批准,以确保遵循一致和勤奋的招聘做法. 提供该职位的信应表明:(1)该职位是在适当的部门教员推荐并经校长和董事批准后提出的, (2)具体工资, (3) the term of service and date of entry on duty, and (4) any special conditions of employment applying to this appointment. 除了, in the case of joint academic appointments, the letter of appointment will specify a single tenure-granting department. 信函还可以规定其他必要的事项,以确定雇佣合同的主要要素. In the case of joint academic appointments, 聘任书将指定一个授予终身教职的部门,以便教员晋升. 授予终身教职的部门主管负责与参与联合聘任的其他部门协调年度绩效考核和其他绩效考核.

(点击这里 to take you to the Provost website and scroll down to the Salary Agreement section.)


2022年7月修订. 修订了E-1和E-2.

2008年1月修订. Revised A-1, A-3, A-4, B, B-1, B-2, C, C-2, D-2, and E-3. 编辑修改 were made to A-1, C-1, and D-1.

2006年1月修订. 编辑修改.

2002年7月修订. 手册的许多部分, 包括这个, 经过全面审查和实质性修订,使其符合经修订的SBOE/校董会政策.

2000年7月修订. 编辑修改.

1997年7月修订. 修改后的e - 3. 编辑修改.





布鲁斯·米. 皮特曼中心


